Ruth OtaRutth Ota

Your Coach for Healthy, Wealthy, Aging
and Author


If I have learned one thing in life…


it is that our internal beliefs affect our daily lives in unimaginably huge ways. Often we aren’t even aware it.


All we are aware of is the stress, frustration, anger, sadness, and pain that we feel. We are so busy in our day-to-day living that we don’t take the time to pause and look deeper. Instead, we keep slogging along, struggling day after day.


However, all this struggle is only the outer manifestation of beliefs that are running the show!


That is how it was for me and it catapulted me down a new path to help others.


Presenting Alternative Health Solutions for you to explore is what this site is all about. My desire is to provide you with Natural Remedies without side effects, so you may benefit from the same tips and resources that have helped me.


I felt…

  • sick and tired of being sick and tired.
  • I was taking too many drugs.
  • the Drugs were working ‘against’ me instead of ‘for’ me.

I know where you are at because I have been there myself!


It is very scary and it is very depressing.


Being allergic to many prescription medications, I knew I had to do something to help myself with “my” health… NOW! It was scary to realize that if I ever got some terrible health condition, there just may not be a drug I could use to help me live through it!


Searching for alternative health remedies filled my every thought. I searched, hoping and praying, to find “alternative medicines”.


To my amazement, I began finding many things that worked for me! It was the blessing that I had been looking for. It made me wonder just how many other people were feeling desperate, like I was, and needed to find alternate ways to help heal themselves and improve their health.


So, I began sharing my experiences.


I have a lot to share with you, from my years of finding alternative healing remedies and solutions, that I daringly tried on myself first, with amazing results.


Now I help others learn more about alternative health options and how to reduce stress in their lives.


This is why I have called this site: health from Unexpected Places!


Take The Steps To Help Yourself

Steps in the Sand

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