nebulizing with Glutathione

The Master Antioxidant Glutathione

What is the master antioxidant glutathione?



The master antioxidant Glutathione, is an amino acid, that the human body produces.



What does the master antioxidant glutathione do?



  • helps metabolize toxins
  • breaks down free radicals
  • supports the immune system
  • supports anti-inflammatory responses



Samples of assistance from the master antioxidant glutathione




  • Pneumonia responses
  • Bronchitis responses
  • Seasonal allergy responses


Beautiful Spring



Earth awakens and displays its beautiful flowers, scents, and leaves.  Sometimes these views can cause the human, to feel love and appreciation, as well as bouts of sneezing, runny noses, sore throats, and difficulty breathing.  If the body’s defenses are low, one can experience negative consequences, causing ill health.



Nebulizing with  Glutathione



If you have a nebulizer at home, using glutathione is a natural way to assist, in the healing of simple congestion in the lungs and nasal passageways, if there is no infection present.  Always seek the advice of your physician, to rule out something more serious.

The body makes this amino acid called glutathione.  Aging causes our supply of glutathione to decrease, so if one can supplement it, and do it safely, thereby helping ourselves, why not?

Liquid glutathione works best for me, but always check with your physician first.  My responses were always quick, positive, and without side effects.


Here is the link to the YouTube video I used:


Here is where you can purchase your supplies:
Glutathione Reduced Powder

Addipak Respiratory Inhalation Solution, Saline 0.9%, Sterile, Red Vial, 3 mL


If you have any questions go to my contact page and let me know.

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