
Cortisol has a way of making you gain weight. I am sure you have heard advertisements on the television about it.  Well, I have some interesting facts to share with you.


I had been having continual weight gain piling on my abdominal area.  Ever heard of “love handles”?……well, I had them and they were on my waist.


After having a great deal of abdominal distress, I went to see my Naturopath, to see what was going on with me.  I was told, that the degree of stress I was undergoing, my adrenals were no longer working.  The stress load was just too great. Not just mental stress, but stress from overwork and eating foods, were causing inflammation throughout my body.


‘Doughy fat’


Cortisol can make you ‘look’ fat, but that is not the entire problem. When I saw my Naturopath, she used the word ‘doughy’…..saying that my fat was a ‘doughy’ fat.  It did not make much sense then, but I eventually learned what she meant.  She gave me a supplement called:  Adrenal/Cortisol Support.  This supplement began melting away the fatty ‘love handles’.  My clothes fit better and I was feeling better.


What did I learn from this?  That I had to make some lifestyle changes.  Like learning how to relax more, not work so physically hard, and to stop worrying about things I had no control over.  It was not as easy as one might think and it took some time, but it worked.  I had no idea that stress could do this to a person, but it can and does.  One fine day, our overworked adrenal glands just decide, ‘I have had enough’, and stops working.  Then it gets changed to cortisol, which causes this fattiness around the waist.


I took 1 tablet 3 times a day for about a year, and it worked.  To save a little money, I found it at online and was able to save a few dollars.






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